Sunday, November 2, 2014


Another busy week at Detachment 415 started off with Lead Lab. During lead lab there was a corps-wide open ranks inspection (ORI), as well as time for squadron marching. The 100’s were put into some intense leadership roles and they rose to the occasion. As always, there was a warrior knowledge review, the phonetic alphabet, and a briefing by the Wing Commander, Cadet Wachter, about Movember. Several cadets will be growing out their mustaches in order to raise awareness for men’s health.
            Then came the moment we had been training for all year, the FA (fitness assessment)!  Overall, Detachment 415 put up very impressive test scores, including several cadets maxing the push-ups, sit-ups and mile and a half run. It was a very motivating and rewarding time to see the improvement we had been training all semester for.
            To cap off the week the detachment participated in JMAC, the Joint Military Athletic Competition, with the other branches here at the University of Minnesota. The Air Force made a clean sweep of Army and Navy in both football and basketball. The 4x400 and warrior relay teams both posted good times but just fell short, taking second place. The Ultimate Frisbee team showed a valiant effort, but couldn’t quite connect the dots to defeat the Navy.  After the scores were calculated the competition was a tie between Air Force and Navy. This meant one thing, TUG OF WAR!! Both teams lined up and pulled for what seemed like an extremely long amount of time. Sadly, the Air Force cadets were bested by the midshipman. The whole day was an extremely fun experience and gave us motivation to get the trophy back next year!
            Next week holds many new exciting challenges and opportunities to look forward to, so wish us luck!

-Cadet Beck

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