Sunday, October 26, 2014

Warrior Competition!

Our week at Detachment 415 started off with some fun and invigorating drill and ceremony 

practice. This week we spent our time reviewing a lot of marching movements that we had 

done in the past. This included an ORI (Open Ranks Inspection), which is a very tedious 

procedure to conduct as there are so many steps to it. We spent D&C reviewing this because on 

Monday during lead lab we had a detachment wide "Warrior Competition.” This is competitive 

event that tests each flight in our detachment on everything: warrior knowledge, basic 

knowledge, marching, physical fitness, and anything else that we have covered over the past two 

months. A certain point amount was given to the flights that took first, second, third, and fourth 

in each event, and at the end of leadlab the points were tallied. It was a close competition in 

which Delta Flight just barely took home the gold! HUA! 

PT this week was light. JMAC teams practiced during each of our morning PT sessions while 

everybody else tapered for the FA (Fitness Assessment) set for next week. We have been training 

for this all year so hopefully we have a lot of people max the test, especially the Phase 0 and 

ST (Special Tactics) Prep teams. From what I have heard from some of the upperclassmen, the 

FA is actually one of the easiest days of PT that we have since we only have to do our minute 

of pushups/sit-ups and then we’re done! On Saturday the Arnold Air Society cadets had their 

annual ARCON (Area Convention) event. It was a great opportunity to meet AAS cadets from 

other detachments. There were also two distinguished guests present. Brig. Gen. Dennis W. 

Schulstad was the guest speaker and he gave a very motivational speech about being in ROTC. 

The other guest was Brig. Gen. Daniel P. Woodward, Executive Director of Arnold Air Society,

who spoke during many of the briefings throughout the day.

In other exciting news, the 100s’ uniforms have arrived and will be picked up this upcoming 

week! It’s been a long wait but worth every second of it! Wish us luck in the next week!

-Cadet Hubbard

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