Sunday, November 1, 2015

Costume PT

On the morning of 29 October, something unusual was happening in the Rec Center Field House. Where one could typically find upwards of 70 gray-and-blue-clad cadets engaged in challenging exercises, stood a collection of conspicuously costumed characters. Det 415’s Physical Training, in recognition of Halloween two days later, was open to as whimsical and ridiculous a costume as one wanted (within the bounds of taste, of course).

 I was the only one in costume upon my arrival at 0600, dressed as a jovial alien, but the numbers promptly increased. Cadet Clark chose to be a convincing Special Operator (complete with beard), Cadet Wells made a timely entrance as Marty McFly from Back to the Future, and Cadet Donahue’s appearance as a 300 Spartan suited his mountainous frame well. From wizards to ninjas to Jurassic Park Rangers, the diversity and creativity on display was nothing short of exceptional. Only one, however, elicited Wing-wide applause upon entrance: As Cadet Hagood swagged down the hallway, the cadets gathered there erupted in uproarious laughter at the sight of his hustling garb.

For PT itself, the Cadet Wing was treated to an hour of dodgeball. The athleticism on display was phenomenal; encumbered though they were, many of the cadets in the bulkiest costumes played the longest and hardest. The matches varied from POC vs. GMC, to Costume vs. PT Uniforms. All in all, PT was a highly effective motivational tool, injecting camaraderie and humor into an often serious activity.

-Cadet Mitchell

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