Sunday, September 21, 2014

We're Back!

We're Back!

Welcome back to the school year! All of the returning cadets are finding their normal routines and congratulating those returning from this summer's field training. We have a fresh batch of AS100's (including myself) eager to participate, but still tripping over themselves in this new college environment. School is seemingly in full swing.

Monday, 15 September 2014, we had our second Lead Lab. We went over formation and marching, a great refresher for the returning AS200's.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014, we had a mock FA for Physical Training. "FA" stands for Fitness Assessment, which is a physical training exam every cadet must work to pass. I'm happy to say that all of the cadets did a great job during the mock exam. 

Saturday, 20 September 2014, the Color Guard did a great job displaying the colors at the Gopher-San Jose game. The game eventually ran into a rain delay, but eventually continued and the Gophers took a 24-7 win.

Finally, on Sunday, 21 September 2014, the detachment held its annual POW/MIA vigil at TCF Bank Stadium. The purpose of this event was to honor those who have been or are still prisoners of war as well as those who have been declared missing in action while serving our country. The agenda included a speech from Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie and a wreath hanging ceremony honoring POW/MIAs from WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the War on Terror. There was also supposed to be a flyover of T-6's, but it unfortunately got canceled. Everything went well, thanks to Cadet Schaper who organized the vigil.

- Cadet Martinson

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