Friday, October 18, 2013

Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon

Working the 10 mile run and Twin Cities Marathon on 6 October 2013, was a great first time experience for many of the volunteers. We were to arrive at the location of the St. Paul capitol around 0630 and break into different groups depending on what they needed. Some cadets worked security on the medical tent, some worked as security right at the finish line, and some cadets worked at the ending portion of the marathon. Another important job that didn’t involve security, was the cheering section. They were able to cheer on the nine runners from our detachment! The cadets that participated in the marathon included Cadet Malcom, Wilson, Kornhoff, Lamers, Sawina, Tietz, Collar, Leeper, and Carlson. It was a crazy and fun experience to watch 12,000 people cross the finish line and earn the rewards at the end. Each finisher, whether it was the 10-mile run or the 26.2 mile run, was awarded a nice t-shirt and a medal for completing the race. The first place finisher ran the tough 26.2 miles in 2 hours and 13 minutes, winning $25,000. Overall it was an experience that the participating cadets enjoyed and would love to work again. We’re extremely proud of the cadets who completed the race.
-Cadet Hubert

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