Family and friends gathered in the Bell Museum auditorium to watch as the two at the time waning cadets took to the stage from which they would return officers. Their time as cadets had passed, and they were ready to take the first step into active duty. Along with the rank of second lieutenant comes a pair of gold bars to be worn with the uniform. In attendance of the ceremony were lieutenant Larson's parents, taking part by pinning these gold bars on him. It was an exciting moment as the lieutenants received their first salutes as officers, lieutenant Peot's coming from a Navy SEAL. After the ceremony, punch and cake was served, a sweet end to an important milestone.
The ceremony was brief, not unlike the experience the incoming freshman cadets had with the now lieutenants Peot and Larson. While having only spent one semester together, it was clear to all that these two individuals were something special, a true motivation for the cadets still working toward this honor. The commissioning serves as a reminder to all that the hard work and dedication will pay off in the end, despite any struggles along the way.
Both Larson and Peot will continue to pilot training, and hopefully on to becoming pilots for the United States Air Force. We wish them the best of luck with their futures!
-Cadet Mundt